For beginners, there's no skill more crucial than paddling. In this guide, we'll dive into the art of paddlingโ€”the foundation upon which your surfing adventure will be built.

Paddling: The Surfer's Propulsion

Paddling is to a surfer what pedaling is to a cyclistโ€”it's the means of propulsion, the way to catch waves, and the key to positioning yourself in the lineup. Here's why mastering paddling is a must for every beginner surfer:

1. Wave Catching: Efficient paddling allows you to get to the waves, match their speed, and catch them at the perfect moment.

2. Positioning: Paddling helps you navigate through the lineup, find the right spot, and avoid getting caught in the impact zone.

3. Endurance: Surfing requires stamina, and paddling is an excellent full-body workout that strengthens your shoulders, back, and core muscles.

4. Safety: Being a strong paddler ensures you can swiftly navigate away from dangerous situations or rip currents.

Paddle Like a Pro: Techniques and Tips

Now, let's break down the basic paddling techniques that every beginner surfer should learn:

1. Prone Paddling:

  • Lie on your board with your chest up and your feet trailing behind you.
  • Keep your head up, looking forward, not down at your board.
  • Place your hands flat on the board, slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Use a cupped hand motion to paddle, entering the water with your fingertips first.
  • Keep your strokes consistent, rhythmic, and powerful.

2. Body Position:

  • Distribute your weight evenly on the board.
  • Keep your hips and upper body centered to maintain balance.
  • Avoid dragging your feet in the water, as it creates unnecessary drag.

3. Breathing:

  • Breathe naturally and don't hold your breath.
  • Exhale as you push your chest up during each stroke.

4. Timing:

  • Time your paddling to match the rhythm of the approaching waves.
  • Start paddling a few seconds before the wave arrives to build momentum.

5. Board Control:

  • Use your arms and shoulders to control the direction of your board.
  • Tilt your body slightly to one side to turn in that direction.

6. Consistency:

  • Develop a steady and sustainable paddling rhythm.
  • Avoid frantic, quick strokes, as they lead to exhaustion.

7. Leash Awareness:

  • Always wear a leash to keep your board nearby.
  • In case of a wipeout, hold onto your board to avoid losing it.

8. Practice and Patience:

  • Paddling takes time to master. Be patient and keep practicing.
Paddling is the first and most fundamental technique every aspiring surfer must conquer. It not only propels you into the world of surfing but also lays the foundation for all future maneuvers and tricks.

Remember that like any skill, paddling improves with time and practice. So, embrace the learning process, keep refining your paddling technique, and soon enough, you'll be confidently riding those waves with the stoke that only surfing can provide.
silhouette of woman lying on surfboard at the sea
Photo by Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash